What We Do — AeroAngel.org

About Us

AeroAngel is a unique aviation charity that provides free transportation, primarily to children, traveling to distant, life-saving medical care. There is no other organization in the country providing dedicated flights to children’s hospitals for medically fragile children who cannot safely fly on a commercial airline flight or drive, but who do not need an air ambulance. Our flights are all conducted on business jets flown by a crew of professional pilots. There is no cost to the families we help.

Based in Denver, Colorado, AeroAngel was founded by Denver attorney and commercial pilot Mark Pestal. His passion for aviation and a desire to help others led him to create a unique model of using volunteer professional pilots to fly high-performance aircraft, whose owners donated use of the aircraft. AeroAngel’s use of pressurized turbine aircraft allow it to make flights in most weather conditions over long distances. AeroAngel can provide flights to and from all 50 states.


AeroAngel limits its flights primarily to critically ill children who are not able to fly on a commercial airline flight due to their fragile medical conditions and/or critical care needs.

  • 97% of donations go directly to AeroAngel flights

  • AeroAngel relies primarily on volunteer staff and pilots

  • AeroAngel is recognized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit


$4.5 million +


AeroAngel has provided over $2.5 million dollars in in-kind services to date.


Years Serving communities

We have been serving communities all over the United States for more than 11 years.


children Impacted

AeroAngel flights have made distant, life-saving medical care possible for many children with no other safe travel option.

Music: "Light up the sky" by the Afters