2025 Light Up the Sky - Celebrating 15 years of amazing flights!
Saturday, September 20, 2025
6:00 PM 10:00 PM
AeroAngel (map)
September 20th from 6-10 p.m., please join us for our exciting 6th annual Light Up the Sky Event at none other than the amazing Wings Over the Rockies Exploration of Flight at Centennial Airport in Denver, CO!
Drive or fly in to enjoy delicious food, ice-cold beverages, wine, music, a tarmac full of vintage cars and incredible aircraft, and a few surprises.
We will be commemorating 15 years of AeroAngel flights that have brought seriously ill kids to Children's Hospitals across the nation for life-saving care.
With your silent and live auction bids, you can support our cause while also learning about the families who have flown with AeroAngel as we work together to reach all our ambitious long-term goals to help increase flights for children who need it the most across the US.
Mark your calendars today as we look forward to seeing you there as we work together to continue Giving Hope Wings!